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Blue Monday: Pets Can Help With Depression

Pet Care Tips 3 min read
Blue Monday: Pets Can Help With Depression

Keep calm and get through Blue Monday — with a big help from your pets!

What is Blue Monday?

The third Monday of January, a.k.a today, has been awarded the gloomy title of Blue Monday for being considered the most depressing day of the year. Experts suggest it is due to a combination of the Christmas blues, cold dark nights, and holiday season credit card bills arriving.

dog looking sad lying on the sofa

How do pets help?

Our furkids bring so much joy to our lives that they can be considered a “medicine” to help cure depression.

Lucky for you, we have a solution for this Monday blues: PETS. Our furkids bring so much joy to our lives that they can be considered a “medicine” to help cure depression. Of course, all of us pet parents know that there are many benefits of having a furkiddo but here is a list of how they help with depression:

• The most obvious one is because they are our whole world! We just love them so much and we get that unconditional love in return and it feels amazing. There’s nothing better than getting home to your furkiddo happy to see you, every single day.
• They can help ease your suffering. Scientific studies show that if you are dealing with depression, trauma, or anxiety, having a pet will make things better. The relationship is pure healing.
• Petting your cat or dog simply feels good; but why is that? Any enjoyable activity, such as petting your furkid can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which have pleasurable and calming properties.
• The presence of a pet is a natural icebreaker. We all have walked down the street avoiding eye contact with a stranger. However, if that person is walking a dog, we can easily strike up a conversation that would have otherwise not happened. This can make us feel more connected to people, aiding as a natural mood enhancer.
• It is also physically healthy. If you have a dog, you need to take them (and you) on walks. And it’s common knowledge that taking regular walks is also good for your heart and brain health.

cat looking sad on a bed

And if your pet is feeling the blues, there are a couple of NHV supplements to help:

Lesstress: people aren’t the only ones who suffer from feelings of anxiety. Dogs also experience anxiety that can lead to “bad” behavior including chewing, scratching, and urinating inside the house. It helps calm dogs suffering from anxiety related to life stressors including new kittens, loneliness, and absent owners.
Matricalm: help reduce aggressive behavior and provide anxiety and stress relief for your cat.

It’s important to remember that a significant cause of illness in pets results from stress. Helping to keep your pet stress-free can help keep them healthier for longer.

A pet can remind you that you’re not alone! We are also here for you and your furmily, so count on us when you have these Monday blues — or any other time, we’re here for you.

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: January 20, 2020

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