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Signs of Cat and Dog Nose Issues

Vet Talks 5 min read
Signs of Cat and Dog Nose Issues

The dog’s or the cat’s nose is one of the cutest parts of pets, isn’t it? In addition to beauty, snouts are important channels of communication and interaction for our pets. This part of our furkiddo’s body is responsible for the keen sense of smell, which is much more powerful than a human’s. The cat or dog nose has important functions, such as regulating body temperature, identifying if another cat or dog has passed by, recognizing a female in heat, and perceiving the presence of prey or animals.

Why do cats and dogs have wet noses?

You have probably caught your little one licking its nose. If your little one is a dog, it happens especially while waiting for a nice bowl of food. Some studies have shown that a cold and wet nose helps to smell better. Another proposed reason is to control body temperature.

There are glands inside the nose that secrete a thin, watery material that contributes to the moisture, much like the fluids found inside our own noses. This liquid wicks out to the nose surface to evaporate and then helps to cool them.

The nose pad and the paw pads are the only places where dogs and cats are able to sweat. This cooling mechanism (along with panting for dogs) is important, especially in hot weather.

This moisture may also help humidify the air as it moves into the nasal cavity. This keeps it from drying out the respiratory tract and may even help prevent respiratory infections. Some people speculate that the moisture helps cats and dogs retain scents, thus improving their sense of smell.

A dry or ​​crusty muzzle doesn’t always mean illness.

It is common to believe that a dry ​​nose indicates that the pet is sick. However, this is not always true. The nose is often dry from the weather and temperature, or when they are sleeping. It is certainly also normal for the nose to be dry and warm, especially for senior pets.

If the skin around the nose becomes red or if the nose develops sores, it may be necessary to consult your veterinarian.

If your furkiddo has health issues, a dry or crusty muzzle may be a symptom along with other common symptoms like a lack of appetite and low energy.

Many cats drink little amounts of water, and as a result, they can become dehydrated. In this case, it is important to see a veterinarian. Also, if the skin around the nose becomes red or if the nose develops sores, it may be necessary to consult your veterinarian. On the other hand, if there are no diseases associated, you can act as a proactive way to support your little one’s muzzle health with one natural supplement.

PetOmega 3 is made from the concentrated oils of cold-water fish. These oils are rich in EPA and DHA which are healthy for many parts of the body including skin and coat. It may moisturize the skin and may help dry or crusty muzzles.

Long-hair cat licking it's nose. Signs of Cat and Dog Nose Issues.

What is the ideal temperature for a dog’s and cat’s nose?

If you wonder what it means when your little one’s nose is cold, know that this is perfectly normal. Naturally, a pet’s muzzle is cold and wet, but this can change throughout the day. For example, if they have just done physical exercise, their nose and mouth will work to regulate the temperature and sweat.

If you have a furbaby with a hot nose at home, wait a while for the body to normalize. However, if this condition is long-lasting, see a vet as this could be a sign of fever.

Are there common diseases that affect cat and dog noses?

There are many common diseases that can affect cat and dog noses. To name but a few: nasal cancer, autoimmune diseases, and secondary infections.

Nasal neoplasm (carcinoma) is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells that can occur in or near the nasal cavity in dogs and cats. It can occur in pets of all ages but is more common after 5 years of age. When a cat or dog has a nasal neoplasm, the pet parents may notice:

  • a runny nose, sometimes bloody, from one or both nostrils
  • sneezing
  • alterations in breathing (dyspnea).

Discoid lupus erythematosus is a disease that affects the skin of dogs and cats. With this condition, lesions are usually in the nasal plane and face. Several wounds in the region are observed, with depigmentation, redness (erythema), and desquamation, which may progress to crusts and ulcerations.

Secondary infections (bacteria, virus, or fungal) can be caused by other diseases or after an untreated scratch or burn.

If you have noticed some of those symptoms, a veterinarian should be consulted and we can recommend a natural support regimen to be used in conjunction with vet-prescribed medication.

Natures Immuno contains a blend of mushrooms that are beneficial as anticancer and anti-tumor support, help fight against viral infections, help balance your little one’s immune system, help increase energy, and promote general well-being.

Stimmune supports a healthy balance of your little one’s immune system and is beneficial for some skin issues.

Felimm promotes your little one’s ability to fight fungal and viral infections, encourages a healthy immune system, and may help boost energy levels.

dog with runny nose

Is it normal for a dog and cat to have a runny nose?

No, if the nose of a dog or cat is excessively wet with nasal secretions, this can be a sign of respiratory infections. Common respiratory infections include canine flu (or kennel cough), feline rhinotracheitis, pneumonia, or other nasal diseases. If you notice your pet’s nose is excessively wet, they should be seen by your veterinarian for proper treatment alongside natural supplements, like Felimm and Resp-Aid.

Resp-Aid contains herbs with anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and healing properties. Together, the blend helps with upper respiratory congestion, helps fight infection and shortness of breath. Resp-Aid can also help control bacterial infections and soothe irritated tissue. Resp-Aid has contains herbs with expectorant properties that soothe and lubricate the internal mucous membranes.

Final Considerations

Annual visits to the vet are a great decision. If you notice something unusual with your pet, it is important as a pet parent to take your little one to the vet for diagnosis and treatment. When it comes to a proactive approach, we can help you choose the best option for your little one. Please, contact us anytime you want! You can start chatting with our team of pet experts now by clicking the button below.

Dr. Barbara Benitez DVM, MS

Dr. Barbara Benitez DVM, MS

Dr. Barbara is a veterinarian from Brazil with a specialty in pet nutrition. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2006 from the University of Uberaba. In 2010, Dr. Barbara received her Master’s of Science in Pet Nutrition from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She has over 15 years of experience in research and development in the pet food industry. When Barbara isn’t helping pet parents, you can find her spending time with her family, including her senior dog, Caze.

Published: March 30, 2022

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