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Goodbye Cold, Hello Warm: Spring Pet Care Tips

Pet Care Tips 5 min read
Goodbye Cold, Hello Warm: Spring Pet Care Tips

For many of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s been a long winter. But thank goodness, soon the polar vortexes, blizzards, and ice storms will give way to warm breezes, buds on the trees, and an opportunity for a fresh start. As winter fades away, soon it will be nothing but blue skies, green grass, and yellow sunshine. Well, except for the afternoon showers, the influx of insects, and increased pollen counts. But for the less desirable parts of the spring, we can be safe and take proactive measures with some simple spring pet care tips!

With warmer weather just around the corner, do you know how to prepare your pet for Spring? Here are our Spring pet care tips for the upcoming season:

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition in many households, but be sure to keep all cleaners and chemicals out of your furry friends’ way! Almost all cleaning products, even all-natural ones, contain chemicals that may be harmful to pets. Remember, our pets can’t read warning labels, so be sure to read product directions carefully, keep animals away from the areas you’re cleaning and store all supplies safely out of reach. Your furkids will thank you!

Mop on a kitchen floor during a housework and a adorable dog - King Charles Spaniel - looking at her mummy in background


License and Registration

Spring is a great time to be out and about with your pet. Taking long walks around your neighborhood, playing Frisbee in the backyard, and exploring nearby parks are fun ways to spend time with your pet. Just make sure your pet’s collar is up-to-date with current ID tags that include at least your name, and phone number, just in case your pet wanders a bit too far. Also, it’s best to have your dog or cat microchipped for easy detection if it is picked up by an animal shelter. If your dog enjoys the dog park, an up-to-date license for the city that the dog park is in.

Screen Yourself

It is important to have sturdy screens in your windows

Many pet parents welcome the breezy days of spring by opening their windows. It is important to have sturdy screens in your windows if you have a kitten, live in a high-rise, or have a cat that needs to stay indoors. Open windows without screens can put young kittens who are not as coordinated or familiar with their surroundings at risk. Screens can also be helpful for preventing pests and parasites as they help to keep pets indoors and critters out.

white cat looking outside of a window


Wash Your Pet’s Toys and Bedding

The winter also brings a fair bit of dust into our homes, and with keeping windows shut your pet’s favorite items become stale. Bedding and fabric toys can be run through the washing machine, while leashes, collars, and plastic toys should be hand washed in hot, soapy water.

dog looking up at his toys and bedding washed and clean drying


Spring Plants and Flowers

They might be beautiful, but some types of flowers can be deadly for your furry baby! Easter Lily and other springtime blooms are common findings this time of year. This plant and related plants in the lily family are very toxic to cats if ingested. The first signs of a problem are vomiting and lethargy, and if untreated, may progress to kidney failure and death. Daffodils, another popular component of spring floral arrangements, are also toxic to cats.

High angle view of pet and plants. Spring Pet Care Tips


Sweets & Treats

If the Easter bunny brings tasty chocolate treats for your family, make sure to store them in a safe place. Chocolate and artificial sweeteners like Xylitol are toxic to dogs and cats. Dark chocolate and baker’s chocolate are the most toxic for your pet, while white chocolate and milk chocolate don’t pose quite as much of a risk. However, no amount of chocolate is good for your animal. If your pet ingests chocolate, take it to your veterinarian immediately.

dog looking up and chocolate on the floor Spring Pet Care Tips


Springtime Allergies

Just like people, many pets get seasonal allergies. Pets have very similar symptoms for allergies: watery eyes, runny nose, coughing, itching, and sneezing.  These symptoms are inflammatory based, the same as in humans. Pets can also have allergic reactions caused by insect bites and stings with symptoms such as itching, minor sniffling, sneezing, and anaphylactic shock. If you suspect your pet has a springtime allergy, it is important to monitor them and keep track of symptom progression. Supplements can support your pet through springtime allergies:

NHV Alge-Ex helps balance the body’s natural histamine and immune response activity, while reducing symptoms of airborne allergies such as itchy watery eyes, rubbing of face and eyes, itchy ears, nasal discharge, and sneezing. It can also help reduce inflamed, scabbed itchy skin and encourages a healthy immune system.

NHV Coco Furcare is a multi-purpose topical spray that helps keep your pet smelling clean and fresh, encourages coat shine and health, helps to clear symptoms of skin allergies, and shields against bug bites.

NHV Stimmune is a blend of herbs that help to balance the immune system which is helpful to pets with autoimmune conditions, dermatitis, recurrent infections, and food allergies. Stimmune contains herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant properties amount many others.

NHV Ouch Away Spray helps ease irritation and promote healing by calming symptoms that accompany skin disorders. It soothes and helps heal irritated skin, stimulates hair regrowth, and helps to fight infection.

golden retriever is scratching Spring Pet Care Tips

So now that Spring is here, go out and enjoy the beautiful weather with your furry kids. By following some of these Spring pet care tips, you can safely enjoy the season. Do you have any springtime tips to share? Let us know! We’re always just one message away and happy to chat.

Vet Tech Rounds: How to Prevent Seasonal Allergies in Dogs and Cats

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: March 19, 2020

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